Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Teaching Experience

         Well i would tell you guys about my felling when i became the teacher. I teach with my partner Charles, i think you remember that. And our topic is Rengasdengklok event. Rengasdengklok event isn't easy to describe. So i use more pictures and powerpoint to teach. Well i think my mode is fail, so i show more videos to make it easy. But i don't lucky because there is no speaker to support my videos. And so i got remedial..... -_-
         Remedial?? it makes me stress...(in this case i stress because i have too many task that isn't finished). Then i try to make it better by changing my mode. But in the day we remedial, there is one problem. There is no electricity. So my panic mode on ._. and i went to mam Agnes to discuss it. And mam Agnes give me the way, I must explain by draw the picture in the whiteboard. And so we do it. Well everything is great, there is no problem in this step. Then in the last 5 minutes i give challenge and who can finish it good and clear will get prize from me and Charles. Then Calvin go in front and finish the first challenge, so i give him secret prize. Then the last challenge, geovan went in front and he done it well, so we give him secret prize.
         First, in remedial I feel, that i will fail again, but God help me, so thanks to God and all friend that support me, and also mam Agnes that make me success in the remedial Thank you everyone i hope you enjoy with what i do :))
                                                                                                            By Teguh Noto Suhardjo

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